It was more than 20 years ago that Bill Gates first used the phrase Content is King and the asset management industry has clearly taken this mantra to heart, as JPES Partners’ 2018 Asset Management Trends Report reveals.

Through a series of interviews conducted with senior communications professionals at global and European asset management firms, it is clear that while overall the landscape appears to be positive, the communications function is rapidly changing.

The findings show that on average asset managers are putting out a new piece of content (i.e. white paper, research, blog, opinion piece or proactive comment) at least every two days, with some putting out as much as two different pieces of content every day.

As a result, we have estimated that journalists are likely receiving at least 250 different pieces of content every single day simply from top asset managers – and that is before one considers invitations to events, introductory meetings with spokespeople, among other requests.

The report shows that with the majority of respondents wanting more strategic coverage, there may be some discrepancy between these highly proactive content strategies, and whether they are achieving the desired goal.

Asset managers may feel that they have a new perspective on a current issue to convey to the market; but with so much content available, it is all too easy for it to be lost in the maelstrom of content.

It is not necessarily about producing more content; but rather about producing the right kind – information that is relevant and topical to the evolving news agenda, constructed in a succinct way that actually provides a new perspective.

Other notable findings of the report include:

  • 35% of in-house communications professionals believe the biggest challenge in securing the media coverage they want is a shrinking media pool
  • 60% want more strategic coverage, even if that means lower volumes
  • Yet, 45% are hoping to produce more content
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