How and why did you decide to go into communications?

I decided to go into PR following a year in South America after University where I had managed the British Chamber of Commerce in Quito, Ecuador, recruiting new clients, producing a quarterly magazine and organising events.

I had always been interested in the media and had completed a number of work experience placements at UK national and local newspapers, as well as stints at a radio station and a national paper in Ecuador.

However, I decided I enjoyed the client interaction I had experienced at the Chamber of Commerce and the multi-faceted nature of the role, so embarked on a career in communications..

How have you found hybrid working over the last few months?

As a working mum, hybrid working and increased flexibility in the workplace has been invaluable. It means I can focus on my work, either at home or in the office, whilst also being present for my children.

I really enjoy the peace and quiet of Mondays at home, after what has usually been a hectic weekend, to focus on the things I need to get done and to tick all the items off my to do list. I then look forward to my time in the office, interacting with colleagues and clients, and enjoying the busy and fun environment we have at JPES.

What areas or trends interests you the most at this time?

There are a couple of areas I tend to skip to and that interest me. The first is investment in UK companies and the debate around the functionality of the UK market including the lack of research now for smaller companies, not to mention the lack of airtime given to these companies in the media. It’s an issue that is gaining traction and one that needs addressing to ensure the success of the City ecosystem, UK plc, the economy at large and the delivery of investment returns.

The other area I’m interested in, from a personal and professional point of view, is the ongoing debate about women in the workplace and how to increase their presence and seniority. I’m always slightly bemused by it; it’s not a difficult problem to solve but it requires businesses to consider issues such as flexibility – for women and for men. It is on the agenda but now requires more businesses to commit to change.

What do you do in your spare time?

When I’m not working most of my time is dedicated to our two girls and ferrying them to their various commitments; I spend a lot of time on the sidelines of hockey and cricket pitches.

I also like to run myself – usually with my cockapoo in tow – albeit if I can go alone it’s definitely my preferred option as I can put my headphones on and enjoy some peace!

And when I get the chance I love going to the theatre or to a concert or sporting event – we’ve managed to enjoy a few different events over the last couple of years and reaped the benefit of living in London.

Tell us about the last book you read or the last podcast you listened to?

The last book I read was “Lessons in Chemistry,” which describes the life of a woman in 1950s/60s America, her career as a chemist which takes an unexpected turn as a TV chef as she finds herself as a single mother. It charts her struggles against sexism in the workplace, maintaining a career whilst also looking after her daughter and being a forward-looking role model for her, as well as how she deals with the loss of her partner. In many ways it highlights how the world has moved on whilst some of the themes it tackles remain relevant today – particularly regarding trying to be a good role model, be that at home or in the workplace.

Name one goal, professional or personal, you have set yourself for the next 12 months

I’m not very good at setting specific goals for myself but one of my many reasons for joining JPES was to increase my expertise in a specific sector, having worked across sectors for much of my career. So my professional goal is to further deepen my knowledge of the investment industry.