A specialist charity providing free practical, emotional and social support to those affected by cancer, Maggie’s first centre was opened in Edinburgh in 1996. It now has 22 facilities across major NHS cancer hospitals in the UK, as well as an online centre, including a substantial presence at St Bart’s Hospital in London.
Over the course of 2019, JPES sought to assist the centre through a range of fundraising activities, raising over £7,000. We are continuing to support the charity through various fundraising and PR initiatives in 2020, with a view to raising awareness for the Maggie’s centre at St Bart’s and the invaluable work its team does.
The importance of an organisation like Maggie’s cannot be understated. We are proud to be able to support such a cause and hope our efforts will aid the team in the fantastic day-to-day work they undertake.– Julian Samways, Founder and Managing Director, JPES Partners
To support JPES’ fundraising for Maggie’s at St Bart’s, please go to: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JPES